Restless Leg Syndrome, or RLS, has no definite cure as the specific cause of the condition has not yet been discovered. You can get consultations and medical evaluations, but presently there is still no absolute cure. A lot of research was put into finding out the true cause or Restless Leg Syndrome, and there have been many that has been taken into consideration. Nothing is still final; Restless Leg Syndrome is still a question mark on the sleeping disorders list.
What we can do, however, is to combat the illness with constant medical observations and some measures of our own. There are practical solutions we can do by ourselves that can help against RLS. Here are some practical Restless Leg Syndrome remedies we can do at home:
Take a Walk: Giving your legs the travel exercise can help with the irritating sensation in the legs. You can achievement around your home until your legs calm down enough not to move when you go back to bed. Walking regular also helps. Take note that excessive leg exercises might only make your RLS worse.
Decrease Your Caffeine Intake: This would include slicing your intake of coffee, tea, chocolate, and sodas. You can also check your medications and see if they contain caffeine. You might be healthy to find an substitute for your medication, one with no caffeine. You should also refrain tobacco and alcohol.
Ask About Your Medications: consult a physician or pharmacist if the medications you are currently taking contain stimulants that can lead to you having jittery legs. Ask whether there are substitute medications that do not contain thee stimulants.
Take A Bath or a Massage: A warm bath can rest your muscles, as does a massage. You’ll sleep more peacefully. You can also try to rest your legs by either heating it up with a heating pad or cooling it down with a cold towel or by dipping your feet in cold water. Massage and stretch your legs before going to bed.
Increase Intake on Iron, Folate, and Magnesium: There have been studies that a deficiency in these nutrients can contribute to RLS. Taking supplements and intake nutrient-rich food can help combat RLS.
Stick to a Schedule: A regular sleeping usage helps refrain fatigue, which can be another bourgeois for RLS. Discipline yourself to sleep at a certain time and get a full night’s sleep.
Look Into Relaxation Techniques: Stress and fatigue can worsen your RLS condition so it is important that you learn how to manage these. Regular exercises and relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation can help you with managing stress and depression.
These practical solutions focus mainly on the basis that Restless Leg Syndrome is caused by a deficiency of needed nutrients and minerals, by demand of leg activity, and by stress and fatigue. The recommendations above strike at these causes, and have a chance of yielding favorable results. They might not stop Restless Leg Syndrome completely, but they can minimize the suffering we get form the condition.
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